Admission is open to all regardless of caste, creed and social status. Admission to Nursery and above Classes starts by 1st week of April. For a fresh admission the child should be introduced personally by parent/guardian. Admission to classes will be on the basis of test and interview.
Children who have passed K.G. II of this school and wish to continue their education in class one shall have to submit their application in the prescribed form before 15th of July. A preprimary course certificate and a Date of birth certificate two photos should be appended to this application will be given on the basis of merit.
In case of leaving the school application for T.C. shall be made in writing to the principal by the parent /guardian. School leaving or any other certificate will not be issued until all sums due to the school have been paid Student who has failed in two consecutive years or whose conduct/attendance/progress is not satisfactory are liable to ask to leave the school. Transfer certificate is issued generally five days after submitting the application and in case of high school or above will take 15 days.